Adding a podcast episode in Buzzsprout as a screen reader user

In this episode I demonstrate how easy is to add a podcast episode in Buzzsprout as a screen reader user.
I have used Safari browser on a Mac computer.
Learn more about podcasting in Podcasting for blind Page

NVDA remote addon demonstration

In this episode I will show how to use NVDA Remote addon as a NVDA screen reader user.
It is a very simple installation like any other addon.
You can download the addon from website.
They have a version for NVDA 2019 or newer, and an older version for previous versions of NVDA screen reader.
This service is very useful when you need to help another blind person with adjusting settings or to copy details or settings from a computer to other.
I have used during the demonstration a feature called push clipboard which allow the initiator of the remote session to copy some text from his machine, and paste it into the controlled machine.
Another scenario where this addon is very useful is when you can control a local server from distance.
Asuming you have a computer 24/7 turned on, used like aFTP server or online radio station, you can control that station via NVDA Remote addon also.
Excepting Jaws, which is featuring a similar service called Jaws tandem, is no other screen reader so friendly when is about remote control between computers of blind people.
Third part programs for remote control are not always fully accessible, or some issues with screen readers in particular could make them challanging to be used.
Hope to come back soon with a demonstration of Jaws Tandem as well.
Enjoy your little tutorial from this podcast.

How to add a Google Re-captcha code to your WordPress website

Today I will show you how to insert a Re-captcha Google code into your WordPress site.
It is annoying to receive all sorts of automatic e-mails with spam, as comments or messages via contact form.
Adding a tick box “I am not a robot” we can avoid all this unpleasant extra work with cleaning spam.


Before starting, I wish to mention this tutorial is for screen reader users, and instructions are provided with keyboard navigation only in mind.
I have used Jaws for Windows 2020 screen reader and Google Chrome for demonstration.
I am looking to open a course soon called WordPress with Speech which will help blind people to go blogging with WordPress independently.


I have used for contact form builder a plugin called Jetpack which is available here.
I like it because it is packed with lots of features which are available on site. Actually, takes the power of into your selfhosted WP blog.
In order to insert Google Re-captcha code, I will use a plugin called Re-captcha Jetpack which can be downloaded or installed from this page.
If you wish to install it straight from your dashboard then go to your website dashboard, login, then click on Add new link under Plugins section.
In the search field for plugins type Re-captcha Jetpack and press enter.
A list of plugins will appear, each one having the title displayed as heading.

Installation and configuration

For easy navigation use H key to jump from result to result until Re-captcha Jetpack will come up.
Arrow down to install link and press enter.
When the plugin is installed do not forget to activate it.
We will go then, to Re-captcha Jetpack settings where two edit fields are important for us.

  1. Site key
  2. Secret site key

These 2 keys we need to obtain them from Google Re-captcha page.
There, we need to add the website where the Captcha code will be placed.
A link to Google Re-Captcha admin console is provided just below the edit field of the site key in the settings page of Re-Captcha Jetpack plugin.
If that link does not work properly for you, you can access just here Google Re-captcha admin console.
You need to have a Google account and a gmail address.
Type a label for your website, because the same console can be used to add multiple websites.
Then, you need to choose a type of captcha for your website.
I will recommend Re-captcha version 2.0 and I am not a robot tick box model. Also, under version 2.0 other 2 models are available: an invisible captcha and one for Android.
It is important to choose the right option here, then insert your website domain name, your gmail address in the e-mail field, then tick the box I agree terms and conditions.
Finally, press enter on submit button and wait for few seconds.
When the request is processed, a new window will appear mentioning your website name has been added.
Below that message is a line where your site key appears in clear, and few lines below the secret site key as well.
For each key it is a button which allows you to take it in clipboard.
Paste them into the right edit field, in your website dashboard, where the settings page for Re-captcha Jetpack plugin is, then press save changes button.
Pay attention to paste the right key in the right edit field. It is easy to mess them around, thing which will make the plugin to not work.
Once the correct information is saved you do not need to make other things to appear that Re-captcha code into your form. Just go to check your form in your front end of the website and amazingly see your little Re-captcha code there, just above submit button.


Things are not so complicated with all this process, but require attention.
It is possible to have similar results with other plugins, but I was interested in this particular one because I use Jetpack plugin to create forms. Also, it is free of charge.

What to do next?

If you wish to hear an audio demonstration with step by step instructions, please listen the podcast episode below.
If you are interested in learning more about WordPress with Speech, then contact me and let me know which are your biggest challenges with WP blogging.

Installing WordPress manually as a screen reader user

A while ago I have recorded a podcast episode about WordPress installation via Softaculous, but at this time I have decided to show you how to install a WP website on your server manually.
Why manually? Because is coming with some advantages.
You can create a DB name as you like, and you can upload, straight on, the WordPress package with the desired plugins and themes.
Also, you can manage separate the files from FTP, and Database file, in case of a crush.
When Softaculous is used if you decide to remove the installation the DB also is removed.
I have encountered a couple of situations when, in hurry, I have deleted accidentally the wrong website because the check box ticked was related with the website below the one wanted to be removed.
Anyway, it is a double warning there asking you if you really wish to remove that installation because is not possible to undo the task.
My fault, of course, to not pay attention to second warning, but good for me to know how to repair everything here.
Another thing for a manual installation is the possibility to name the database as you like. A meaningful name helps me to identify the DB for each domain easily when I must deal with DB management.
Softaculous tends to name the DB/username randomly and similar which is not always good.
Enough with pros and cons, but not before saying Softaculous is a very good option for commodity or new blog developers.
If you wish to install manually a WordPress website, you need to meet some requirements:
1. To have a hosting account somewhere preferable with LAMP. LAMP stands from Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP.
2. A domain names
3. A copy of WordPress downloaded from
4. An FTP client like FileZilla
5. A text editor like Notepad.
6. A program for unzip like 7zip or WinRAR.
7. Internet connection.
If you wish to have the same hosting service and interface like me just contact me.
A domain name could be purchased together with hosting. In this way the domain price is cheaper.
The FTP client FileZilla can be downloaded from here.

Download 7zip from here.

Let’s start the job now!
You have to do 4 steps as following:

  1. Create a MySQL database in your cPanel
  2. Modify your config file from the downloaded WordPress package
  3. Upload the modified WordPress folder content to your server using FileZilla client
  4. Run the instalation wizzard accessing your domain name in browser

Creating MySQL database

Go to your cPanel and login.
Assuming you have a domain and hosting purchased, you must type in your browser the name of your domain followed by slash cPanel and press enter. Use credentials provided by your hosting provider and login.
Under MySQL data base wizard create a new DB and a new user.
Tick the box “all privileges” and press next.
Make a note of the DB details like name/user/password.
Keep in mind, in cPanel with LAMP the database name will be like your cPanel username underline Database name.
AE: If my cPanel user name is Adrian and the new created DB is named ice-cream the final name will be Adrian_icecream and the user will be Adrian_DBusername where DBusername will be the user for DB.
Password and DB name/user are case sensitive.
Create an e-mail for the domain where WordPress will be installed in case of you haven’t yet. You can use also a personal e-mail like gmail or Hotmail, but I not recommend because spam filters of this e-mail providers which may cause problems with sending/receiving e-mails.
Close the cPanel and go to next step.

Prepare your WordPress package for upload

Navigate to downloads folder and unzip your WordPress copy what you have just downloaded from
A folder called WordPress will be created. In this folder are other 3 folders and a bunch of files.
The file what we need to edit is called WP-config-sample.php.
Press F2 on it in order to rename it and change the name in WP-config.php.
Open this renamed file in Notepad and arrow down until Jaws reads first line starting with “Define”.
Several lines are above, majority of them starting with star.
All this line are comments and explanation but ignore them.
First line starting with the word “Define” is the one where we must insert the dB name.
You must read word by word that line and in between apostrophes you can read ‘database_name_here’. Delete all in between apostrophes and type the DB name what you have just created in cPanel.
Continue to arrow down and search for “Define DB username”.
Like above, go word by word and delete what is in between apostrophes when you find ‘database_username_here’. In between apostrophes right the DB username exactly as you have created in the DB wizard in cPanel. Don’t forget the right format.
Arrow down again until next line starting with “Define” and their search for ‘database password’ and delete what is in between apostrophes. Type the DB password as created in cPanel.
Press alt f4 and save the changes.
Any wrong character or extra space in between apostrophes will cause installation fail.
When this change is made properly it is the time to upload the modified pack to FTP.

Upload your WordPress to server via FTP

Open FileZilla and type your credential like hostname, username and password.
This detail is provided by your host. In most cases are similar with the cPanel credentials.
FileZilla will display two screens; one for your local machine and one for your FtP server.
Tab around until the tree view related with your local machine point to the WordPress folder with the modified WP-config.php file and then tab until pass remote site slash. That tab marks the server screen half and in that tree view you must point to the root folder of the domain where WordPress is following to be installed.
Turn back using tab key to your local machine screen and just a tab below the tree view is the content of WordPress folder. There press CTRL A to select all, then application key, or shift F10. Select upload and press enter. You can check up the upload progress with insert page down.
A notification will appear when the upload is finished.

Run the installation wizzard

Assuming you have uploaded the content of WordPress folder up to the right folder in FTP, and the data modified in WP-config.php is correct, the installing wizard will appear in your browser when you type the name of the domain where you install WordPress.
In this wizard you must put a name for your site, a username for admin, an e-mail address and a password.
Presuming you have created before an e-mail under that domain, where WP installation runs, type that address.
Leave the tick box marked in case of wish to leave Google to index your blog.
If you plan to put the content later is good to tick that box until content is posted.
Press tab key until install button and press enter.
A success installation message will come up, displaying your chosen username and a link to login in your blog dashboard.
Job done. It is the time to start blogging and customise your site.


Keep in mind, to install a blog is not a big deal, but posting quality content regular is the path to a successful blogger.
I have performed all this using a Windows 10 machine, Jaws 2018 and Google Chrome as browser.

Stil need help?

In case of any information is not clear enough, please listen the podcast episode below, where I have recorded all steps from scratch, down to the moment of having the brand-new blog installed.
For any questions about blogging as blind don’t hesitate to contact me.
Also, Accessible Computer provides training courses one to one for blind people interested to learn blogging with screen readers.

How to set up a self hosted WordPress blog as a screen reader user

I have seen lots of visually impaired people hunting across the internet for any information about WordPress and its accessibility for screen reader users. Also, the numerous practical questions involved about its performance in carrying out an assortment of tasks under a WordPress blog without a satisfactory answer.
Because of this, I have decided to start up a new serie of podcast named WordPress for Blind.
I will take on the task to make a blog from scratch.
To be more precise, I will buy a domain name, put on hosting, install WordPress, customise it, and then carry out the heavy work, publishing content.
Continue reading How to set up a self hosted WordPress blog as a screen reader user