TalkBack Screen Reader for Android Training Course

TalkBackTraining Course overview

TalkBack is an Accessibility Service that helps blind and vision-impaired users interacts with their Android devices more easily.
Currently is named Google Accessibility Suite.
This application adds spoken, audible, and vibration feedback to your device. It is a system application that was pre-installed on most devices and is updated when the accessibility service is improved.
This app is only activated if you explicitly turn on Accessibility.
During half day of training you’ll learn to use accessibility features for visual impaired build-in Android devices as smart phones or tablets.
You’ll learnhow to navigate and explore Android devices with speach and/or magnification.
Learn how to browse internet pages and how to input text for messages/emails and many more.

TalkBack Training Course content

At this course you’ll follow topics as:

  • TalkBack – where to get it and how to turn it on
  • Explore by touch
  • Magnification and large text
  • Voices and Language, other TTS’s
  • Braille supportAccessible browser for Android and web accessibilityAccessibility Apps and where to get them
  • Help and support for Android accessibility

TalkBack Training Course Achievements

In the end of this course the student will be ready to use Android devices as smart phones or tablets with accessibility for visual impaired turned on.
The student will know where to get help, support and advice in regards of Android accessibility issues.

TalkBack Training Course Location

You can have this course in few locations:

  • At our locations in Poole or Bournemouth
  • At your location at work or home
  • Via Skype , other online meetings platforms or by phone

TalkBack Training Course Price List

  • £115 at our locations in Poole or Bournemouth )refreshments included)
  • £95 at your location home/work + travel costs
  • £95 by Skype or phone
  • Prices for small groups could be negociate

TalkBack Training Course Booking details

You can make a booking for this course in few ways listed below:

  • By phone calling at 07788241125
  • Via Skype calling or chat to Skype ID
  • Online, using this online booking form